My eldest cousin sister, Karishma, is just going through a rough patch and i m waitin to be back at home with her.
I'm getting ready to write a book named "Uncertainty Principle" which should be released next year, if it does work out. Its about four friends... Arindam (AD), Rishi (RM), Akash (AC), and Manish (MK); and their journeys through childhood and then at MIT where these four meet up for the first time... They manage to do well and have decent GPA's... and then a holiday drive to Goa which puts their life in jeopardy....
Navneet, Animesh, Raghav, Nabarun and I are about to start working (hopefully!!) on our bots to be ready for techfest, IIT bombay, Jan 24th.... I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas. Check back soon.